Numerical optimization (cont.)

Lecture 13

Dr. Colin Rundel

Method Summary

SciPy Method Description Gradient Hessian
Gradient Descent (naive)
Newton’s method (naive)
Conjugate Gradient (naive)
"CG" Nonlinear Conjugate Gradient (Polak and Ribiere variation)
"Newton-CG" Truncated Newton method (Newton w/ CG step direction) Optional
"BFGS" Broyden, Fletcher, Goldfarb, and Shanno (Quasi-newton method) Optional
"L-BFGS-B" Limited-memory BFGS (Quasi-newton method) Optional
"Nelder-Mead" Nelder-Mead simplex reflection method

Methods collection

def define_methods(x0, f, grad, hess, tol=1e-8):
  return {
    "naive_newton":   lambda: newtons_method(x0, f, grad, hess, tol=tol),
    "naive_cg":       lambda: conjugate_gradient(x0, f, grad, hess, tol=tol),
    "CG":             lambda: optimize.minimize(f, x0, jac=grad, method="CG", tol=tol),
    "newton-cg":      lambda: optimize.minimize(f, x0, jac=grad, hess=None, method="Newton-CG", tol=tol),
    "newton-cg w/ H": lambda: optimize.minimize(f, x0, jac=grad, hess=hess, method="Newton-CG", tol=tol),
    "bfgs":           lambda: optimize.minimize(f, x0, jac=grad, method="BFGS", tol=tol),
    "bfgs w/o G":     lambda: optimize.minimize(f, x0, method="BFGS", tol=tol),
    "l-bfgs-b":       lambda: optimize.minimize(f, x0, method="L-BFGS-B", tol=tol),
    "nelder-mead":    lambda: optimize.minimize(f, x0, method="Nelder-Mead", tol=tol)

Method Timings

x0 = (1.6, 1.1)
f, grad, hess = mk_quad(0.7)
methods = define_methods(x0, f, grad, hess)

df = pd.DataFrame({
  key: timeit.Timer(methods[key]).repeat(10, 100) for key in methods

Method Timings

   naive_newton  naive_cg        CG  ...  bfgs w/o G  l-bfgs-b  nelder-mead
0      0.021679  0.035674  0.010843  ...    0.062650  0.033693     0.135608
1      0.020921  0.035565  0.010405  ...    0.061980  0.031872     0.133381
2      0.020872  0.035720  0.010369  ...    0.061971  0.031723     0.134283
3      0.020858  0.035806  0.010322  ...    0.062055  0.031755     0.135175
4      0.020830  0.035808  0.010310  ...    0.061845  0.031693     0.133749
5      0.020618  0.035655  0.010298  ...    0.062489  0.031697     0.132346
6      0.020579  0.035814  0.010262  ...    0.062178  0.031707     0.132381
7      0.020588  0.035658  0.010342  ...    0.062977  0.031684     0.133308
8      0.020538  0.035646  0.010268  ...    0.063093  0.031823     0.132817
9      0.021264  0.035725  0.010300  ...    0.061952  0.031866     0.133438

[10 rows x 9 columns]

Timings across cost functions

def time_cost_func(n, x0, name, cost_func, *args):
  x0 = (1.6, 1.1)  
  f, grad, hess = cost_func(*args)
  methods = define_methods(x0, f, grad, hess)
  return ( pd.DataFrame({
      key: timeit.Timer(
      ).repeat(n, n) 
      for key in methods
    .assign(cost_func = name)

df = pd.concat([
  time_cost_func(10, x0, "Well-cond quad", mk_quad, 0.7),
  time_cost_func(10, x0, "Ill-cond quad", mk_quad, 0.02),
  time_cost_func(10, x0, "Rosenbrock", mk_rosenbrock)

        variable     value       cost_func
0   naive_newton  0.002238  Well-cond quad
1   naive_newton  0.002109  Well-cond quad
2   naive_newton  0.002106  Well-cond quad
3   naive_newton  0.002106  Well-cond quad
4   naive_newton  0.002097  Well-cond quad
..           ...       ...             ...
85   nelder-mead  0.022443      Rosenbrock
86   nelder-mead  0.022429      Rosenbrock
87   nelder-mead  0.022463      Rosenbrock
88   nelder-mead  0.022445      Rosenbrock
89   nelder-mead  0.022520      Rosenbrock

[270 rows x 3 columns]

Random starting locations

x0s = np.random.default_rng(seed=1234).uniform(-2,2, (20,2))

df = pd.concat([
    time_cost_func(3, x0, "Well-cond quad", mk_quad, 0.7),
    time_cost_func(3, x0, "Ill-cond quad", mk_quad, 0.02),
    time_cost_func(3, x0, "Rosenbrock", mk_rosenbrock)
  for x0 in x0s

Profiling - BFGS (cProfile)

import cProfile

f, grad, hess = mk_quad(0.7)
def run():
  optimize.minimize(fun = f, x0 = (1.6, 1.1), jac=grad, method="BFGS", tol=1e-11)'run()', sort="tottime")
         1293 function calls in 0.001 seconds

   Ordered by: internal time

   ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
        9    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
        1    0.000    0.000    0.001    0.001
       58    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {method 'reduce' of 'numpy.ufunc' objects}
      152    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {built-in method numpy.core._multiarray_umath.implement_array_function}
       10    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 <string>:2(f)
        9    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
       37    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
       26    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
       10    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 <string>:8(gradient)
       20    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
        1    0.000    0.000    0.001    0.001
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
       21    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
       51    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 <__array_function__ internals>:177(dot)
        9    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
       26    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
        9    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
       84    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {built-in method numpy.asarray}
       10    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
        9    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
       37    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000<dictcomp>)
       26    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 <__array_function__ internals>:177(sum)
       20    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {built-in method numpy.arange}
       21    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 <__array_function__ internals>:177(atleast_1d)
        1    0.000    0.000    0.001    0.001 {built-in method builtins.exec}
       10    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
       10    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
       21    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {built-in method numpy.array}
       21    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 <__array_function__ internals>:177(copy)
       20    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 <__array_function__ internals>:177(array_equal)
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
        9    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
       21    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
       10    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
       19    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {built-in method numpy.zeros}
       20    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
       10    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
       20    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {method 'all' of 'numpy.ndarray' objects}
       20    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {method 'copy' of 'numpy.ndarray' objects}
       10    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {method 'astype' of 'numpy.ndarray' objects}
       51    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
       10    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 <__array_function__ internals>:177(amax)
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
       41    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {built-in method builtins.isinstance}
       11    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
       10    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {method 'dot' of 'numpy.ndarray' objects}
       11    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
       10    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
       37    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {method 'items' of 'dict' objects}
       10    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
        1    0.000    0.000    0.001    0.001 <string>:1(run)
       21    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {method 'flatten' of 'numpy.ndarray' objects}
       26    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
       21    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
        9    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {built-in method builtins.min}
       20    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
       22    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {built-in method numpy.asanyarray}
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
       22    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {method 'append' of 'list' objects}
       24    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {built-in method builtins.len}
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 <__array_function__ internals>:177(any)
       10    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {method 'reshape' of 'numpy.ndarray' objects}
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {built-in method builtins.getattr}
        9    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {method 'pop' of 'dict' objects}
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 <__array_function__ internals>:177(norm)
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {method 'any' of 'numpy.ndarray' objects}
        1    0.000    0.000    0.001    0.001 <string>:1(<module>)
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 <__array_function__ internals>:177(atleast_2d)
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {method 'lower' of 'str' objects}
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {method 'ravel' of 'numpy.ndarray' objects}
        7    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {built-in method builtins.callable}
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
        2    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {built-in method builtins.issubclass}
        2    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {built-in method _operator.index}
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {method 'disable' of '_lsprof.Profiler' objects}
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {method 'setdefault' of 'dict' objects}
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000

Profiling - BFGS (pyinstrument)

from pyinstrument import Profiler

f, grad, hess = mk_quad(0.7)

profiler = Profiler(interval=0.00001)

opt = optimize.minimize(fun = f, x0 = (1.6, 1.1), jac=grad, method="BFGS", tol=1e-11)
p = profiler.stop()


  _     ._   __/__   _ _  _  _ _/_   Recorded: 11:22:35  Samples:  346
 /_//_/// /_\ / //_// / //_'/ //     Duration: 0.005     CPU time: 0.005
/   _/                      v4.4.0

Program: /opt/homebrew/Cellar/python@3.10/3.10.10_1/libexec/bin/python3

0.005 MainThread  <thread>:8553529664
|- 0.003 [self]  None
|- 0.002 <module>  <string>:1
|  `- 0.002 minimize  scipy/optimize/
|     `- 0.002 _minimize_bfgs  scipy/optimize/
|        |- 0.002 _line_search_wolfe12  scipy/optimize/
|        |  `- 0.002 line_search_wolfe1  scipy/optimize/
|        |     `- 0.002 scalar_search_wolfe1  scipy/optimize/
|        |        |- 0.001 phi  scipy/optimize/
|        |        |  |- 0.001  scipy/optimize/
|        |        |  |  |- 0.001 ScalarFunction._update_fun  scipy/optimize/
|        |        |  |  |  `- 0.001 update_fun  scipy/optimize/
|        |        |  |  |     `- 0.001 fun_wrapped  scipy/optimize/
|        |        |  |  |        `- 0.001 f  <string>:2
|        |        |  |  |           |- 0.000 sum  <__array_function__ internals>:177
|        |        |  |  |           |  `- 0.000 sum  numpy/core/
|        |        |  |  |           |     `- 0.000 _wrapreduction  numpy/core/
|        |        |  |  |           |        |- 0.000 ufunc.reduce  None
|        |        |  |  |           |        |- 0.000 [self]  None
|        |        |  |  |           |        `- 0.000 <dictcomp>  numpy/core/
|        |        |  |  |           `- 0.000 [self]  None
|        |        |  |  |- 0.000 update_x  scipy/optimize/
|        |        |  |  |  `- 0.000 atleast_1d  <__array_function__ internals>:177
|        |        |  |  `- 0.000 array_equal  <__array_function__ internals>:177
|        |        |  |     `- 0.000 array_equal  numpy/core/
|        |        |  `- 0.000 [self]  None
|        |        |- 0.001 derphi  scipy/optimize/
|        |        |  |- 0.000 ScalarFunction.grad  scipy/optimize/
|        |        |  |  `- 0.000 ScalarFunction._update_grad  scipy/optimize/
|        |        |  |     `- 0.000 update_grad  scipy/optimize/
|        |        |  |        `- 0.000 grad_wrapped  scipy/optimize/
|        |        |  |           |- 0.000 gradient  <string>:8
|        |        |  |           |  `- 0.000 [self]  None
|        |        |  |           `- 0.000 atleast_1d  <__array_function__ internals>:177
|        |        |  |              `- 0.000 atleast_1d  numpy/core/
|        |        |  |                 `- 0.000 [self]  None
|        |        |  `- 0.000 [self]  None
|        |        `- 0.000 [self]  None
|        |- 0.000 [self]  None
|        |- 0.000 _prepare_scalar_function  scipy/optimize/
|        |  `- 0.000 ScalarFunction.__init__  scipy/optimize/
|        |     `- 0.000 ScalarFunction._update_fun  scipy/optimize/
|        |        `- 0.000 update_fun  scipy/optimize/
|        |           `- 0.000 fun_wrapped  scipy/optimize/
|        |              `- 0.000 f  <string>:2
|        |- 0.000 vecnorm  scipy/optimize/
|        |  `- 0.000 sum  <__array_function__ internals>:177
|        |     |- 0.000 sum  numpy/core/
|        |     `- 0.000 [self]  None
|        `- 0.000 dot  <__array_function__ internals>:177
`- 0.000 end_capture  rpytools/
   `- 0.000 _override_logger_streams  rpytools/

Profiling - Nelder-Mead

from pyinstrument import Profiler

f, grad, hess = mk_quad(0.7)

profiler = Profiler(interval=0.00001)

opt = optimize.minimize(fun = f, x0 = (1.6, 1.1), method="Nelder-Mead", tol=1e-11)
p = profiler.stop()


  _     ._   __/__   _ _  _  _ _/_   Recorded: 11:22:35  Samples:  649
 /_//_/// /_\ / //_// / //_'/ //     Duration: 0.008     CPU time: 0.008
/   _/                      v4.4.0

Program: /opt/homebrew/Cellar/python@3.10/3.10.10_1/libexec/bin/python3

0.008 MainThread  <thread>:8553529664
|- 0.006 <module>  <string>:1
|  `- 0.006 minimize  scipy/optimize/
|     `- 0.005 _minimize_neldermead  scipy/optimize/
|        |- 0.002 function_wrapper  scipy/optimize/
|        |  |- 0.002 f  <string>:2
|        |  |  |- 0.001 sum  <__array_function__ internals>:177
|        |  |  |  |- 0.001 sum  numpy/core/
|        |  |  |  |  |- 0.001 _wrapreduction  numpy/core/
|        |  |  |  |  |  |- 0.001 ufunc.reduce  None
|        |  |  |  |  |  `- 0.000 [self]  None
|        |  |  |  |  `- 0.000 [self]  None
|        |  |  |  `- 0.000 [self]  None
|        |  |  `- 0.001 [self]  None
|        |  |- 0.000 copy  <__array_function__ internals>:177
|        |  |  |- 0.000 [self]  None
|        |  |  `- 0.000 copy  numpy/lib/
|        |  `- 0.000 [self]  None
|        |- 0.002 [self]  None
|        |- 0.000 argsort  <__array_function__ internals>:177
|        |  |- 0.000 argsort  numpy/core/
|        |  |  |- 0.000 _wrapfunc  numpy/core/
|        |  |  `- 0.000 [self]  None
|        |  `- 0.000 [self]  None
|        |- 0.000 take  <__array_function__ internals>:177
|        |  |- 0.000 take  numpy/core/
|        |  |  `- 0.000 _wrapfunc  numpy/core/
|        |  `- 0.000 [self]  None
|        |- 0.000 amax  <__array_function__ internals>:177
|        |  |- 0.000 amax  numpy/core/
|        |  |  `- 0.000 _wrapreduction  numpy/core/
|        |  `- 0.000 [self]  None
|        `- 0.000 ravel  <__array_function__ internals>:177
|           `- 0.000 ravel  numpy/core/
|              `- 0.000 [self]  None
`- 0.002 [self]  None

optimize.minimize() output

f, grad, hess = mk_quad(0.7)
optimize.minimize(fun = f, x0 = (1.6, 1.1), 
                  jac=grad, method="BFGS")
  message: Optimization terminated successfully.
  success: True
   status: 0
      fun: 1.2739256453438974e-11
        x: [-5.318e-07 -8.843e-06]
      nit: 6
      jac: [-3.510e-07 -2.860e-06]
 hess_inv: [[ 1.515e+00 -3.438e-03]
            [-3.438e-03  3.035e+00]]
     nfev: 7
     njev: 7
optimize.minimize(fun = f, x0 = (1.6, 1.1), 
                  jac=grad, hess=hess, 
 message: Optimization terminated successfully.
 success: True
  status: 0
     fun: 2.3418652989289317e-12
       x: [ 0.000e+00  3.806e-06]
     nit: 11
     jac: [ 0.000e+00  4.102e-06]
    nfev: 12
    njev: 12
    nhev: 11

optimize.minimize() output (cont.)

optimize.minimize(fun = f, x0 = (1.6, 1.1), 
                  jac=grad, method="CG")
 message: Optimization terminated successfully.
 success: True
  status: 0
     fun: 1.4450021261144105e-32
       x: [-1.943e-16 -1.110e-16]
     nit: 2
     jac: [-1.282e-16 -3.590e-17]
    nfev: 5
    njev: 5
optimize.minimize(fun = f, x0 = (1.6, 1.1), 
                  jac=grad, method="Nelder-Mead")
       message: Optimization terminated successfully.
       success: True
        status: 0
           fun: 2.3077013477040082e-10
             x: [ 1.088e-05  3.443e-05]
           nit: 46
          nfev: 89
 final_simplex: (array([[ 1.088e-05,  3.443e-05],
                       [ 1.882e-05, -3.825e-05],
                       [-3.966e-05, -3.147e-05]]), array([ 2.308e-10,  3.534e-10,  6.791e-10]))

/opt/homebrew/lib/python3.10/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ RuntimeWarning: Method Nelder-Mead does not use gradient information (jac).
  warn('Method %s does not use gradient information (jac).' % method,


def run_collect(name, x0, cost_func, *args, tol=1e-8, skip=[]):
  f, grad, hess = cost_func(*args)
  methods = define_methods(x0, f, grad, hess, tol)
  res = []
  for method in methods:
    if method in skip: continue
    x = methods[method]()
    d = {
      "name":    name,
      "method":  method,
      "nit":     x["nit"],
      "nfev":    x["nfev"],
      "njev":    x.get("njev"),
      "nhev":    x.get("nhev"),
      "success": x["success"]
      #"message": x["message"]
    res.append( pd.DataFrame(d, index=[1]) )
  return pd.concat(res)
df = pd.concat([
  run_collect(name, (1.6, 1.1), cost_func, arg, skip=['naive_newton', 'naive_cg']) 
  for name, cost_func, arg in zip(
    ("Well-cond quad", "Ill-cond quad", "Rosenbrock"), 
    (mk_quad, mk_quad, mk_rosenbrock), 
    (0.7, 0.02, None)

             name          method  nit  nfev  njev  nhev  success
1  Well-cond quad              CG    2     5     5  None     True
1  Well-cond quad       newton-cg    5     6    13     0     True
1  Well-cond quad  newton-cg w/ H   15    15    15    15     True
1  Well-cond quad            bfgs    8     9     9  None     True
1  Well-cond quad      bfgs w/o G    8    27     9  None     True
1  Well-cond quad        l-bfgs-b    6    21     7  None     True
1  Well-cond quad     nelder-mead   76   147  None  None     True
1   Ill-cond quad              CG    9    17    17  None     True
1   Ill-cond quad       newton-cg    3     4     9     0     True
1   Ill-cond quad  newton-cg w/ H   54   106   106    54     True
1   Ill-cond quad            bfgs    5    11    11  None     True
1   Ill-cond quad      bfgs w/o G    5    33    11  None     True
1   Ill-cond quad        l-bfgs-b    5    30    10  None     True
1   Ill-cond quad     nelder-mead  102   198  None  None     True
1      Rosenbrock              CG   17    52    48  None     True
1      Rosenbrock       newton-cg   18    22    60     0     True
1      Rosenbrock  newton-cg w/ H   17    21    21    17     True
1      Rosenbrock            bfgs   23    26    26  None     True
1      Rosenbrock      bfgs w/o G   23    78    26  None     True
1      Rosenbrock        l-bfgs-b   19    75    25  None     True
1      Rosenbrock     nelder-mead   96   183  None  None     True

Exercise 1

Try minimizing the following function using different optimization methods starting from \(x_0 = [0,0]\), which method(s) appear to work best?

\[ \begin{align} f(x) = \exp(x_1-1) + \exp(-x_2+1) + (x_1-x_2)^2 \end{align} \]

MVN Example

MVN density cost function

For an \(n\)-dimensional multivariate normal we define
the \(n \times 1\) vectors \(x\) and \(\mu\) and the \(n \times n\)
covariance matrix \(\Sigma\),

\[ \begin{align} f(x) =& \det(2\pi\Sigma)^{-1/2} \\ & \exp \left[-\frac{1}{2} (x-\mu)^T \Sigma^{-1} (x-\mu) \right] \\ \\ \nabla f(x) =& -f(x) \Sigma^{-1}(x-\mu) \\ \\ \nabla^2 f(x) =& f(x) \left( \Sigma^{-1}(x-\mu)(x-\mu)^T\Sigma^{-1} - \Sigma^{-1}\right) \\ \end{align} \]

Our goal will be to find the mode (maximum) of this density.

def mk_mvn(mu, Sigma):
  Sigma_inv = np.linalg.inv(Sigma)
  norm_const = 1 / (np.sqrt(np.linalg.det(2*np.pi*Sigma)))
  # Returns the negative density (since we want the max not min)
  def f(x):
    x_m = x - mu
    return -(norm_const * 
      np.exp( -0.5 * (x_m.T @ Sigma_inv @ x_m).item() ))
  def grad(x):
    return (-f(x) * Sigma_inv @ (x - mu))
  def hess(x):
    n = len(x)
    x_m = x - mu
    return f(x) * ((Sigma_inv @ x_m).reshape((n,1)) @ (x_m.T @ Sigma_inv).reshape((1,n)) - Sigma_inv)
  return f, grad, hess

Gradient checking

One of the most common issues when implementing an optimizer is to get the gradient calculation wrong which can produce problematic results. It is possible to numerically check the gradient function by comparing results between the gradient function and finite differences from the objective function via optimize.check_grad().

# 2d
f, grad, hess = mk_mvn(np.zeros(2), np.eye(2,2))
optimize.check_grad(f, grad, np.zeros(2))
optimize.check_grad(f, grad, np.ones(2))
# 5d
f, grad, hess = mk_mvn(np.zeros(5), np.eye(5,5))
optimize.check_grad(f, grad, np.zeros(5))
optimize.check_grad(f, grad, np.ones(5))
# 10d
f, grad, hess = mk_mvn(np.zeros(10), np.eye(10))
optimize.check_grad(f, grad, np.zeros(10))
optimize.check_grad(f, grad, np.ones(10))
# 20d
f, grad, hess = mk_mvn(np.zeros(20), np.eye(20))
optimize.check_grad(f, grad, np.zeros(20))
optimize.check_grad(f, grad, np.ones(20))

Gradient checking (wrong gradient)

wrong_grad = lambda x: 2*grad(x)
# 2d
f, grad, hess = mk_mvn(np.zeros(2), np.eye(2,2))
optimize.check_grad(f, wrong_grad, [0,0])
optimize.check_grad(f, wrong_grad, [1,1])
# 5d
f, grad, hess = mk_mvn(np.zeros(5), np.eye(5))
optimize.check_grad(f, wrong_grad, np.zeros(5))
optimize.check_grad(f, wrong_grad, np.ones(5))

Hessian checking

Note since the gradient of the gradient / jacobian is the hessian we can use this function to check our implementation of the hessian as well, just use grad() as func and hess() as grad.

# 2d
f, grad, hess = mk_mvn(np.zeros(2), np.eye(2,2))
optimize.check_grad(grad, hess, [0,0])
optimize.check_grad(grad, hess, [1,1])
# 5d
f, grad, hess = mk_mvn(np.zeros(5), np.eye(5))
optimize.check_grad(grad, hess, np.zeros(5))
optimize.check_grad(grad, hess, np.ones(5))

Unit MVNs

df = pd.concat([
    name, np.ones(n), mk_mvn, 
    np.zeros(n), np.eye(n), 
    skip=['naive_newton', 'naive_cg', 'bfgs w/o G', 'newton-cg w/ H']
  for name, n in zip(
    ("5d", "10d", "20d", "30d"), 
    (5, 10, 20, 30)
  name       method   nit  nfev  njev  nhev  success
1   5d           CG     7    52    52  None     True
1   5d    newton-cg     3     7    10     0     True
1   5d         bfgs     3    12    12  None     True
1   5d     l-bfgs-b     4    54     9  None     True
1   5d  nelder-mead   290   523  None  None     True
1  10d           CG     2    24    24  None     True
1  10d    newton-cg     2     8    10     0     True
1  10d         bfgs     3    19    19  None     True
1  10d     l-bfgs-b     3   110    10  None     True
1  10d  nelder-mead  1403  2000  None  None    False
1  20d           CG     0     1     1  None     True
1  20d    newton-cg     1     1     1     0     True
1  20d         bfgs     0     1     1  None     True
1  20d     l-bfgs-b     0    21     1  None     True
1  20d  nelder-mead  3217  4000  None  None    False
1  30d           CG     0     1     1  None     True
1  30d    newton-cg     1     1     1     0     True
1  30d         bfgs     0     1     1  None     True
1  30d     l-bfgs-b     0    31     1  None     True
1  30d  nelder-mead  5097  6000  None  None    False

Performance (Unit MVNs)

Adding correlation

def build_Sigma(n, corr=0.5):
  S = np.full((n,n), corr)
  np.fill_diagonal(S, 1)
  return S

df = pd.concat([
    name, np.ones(n), mk_mvn, 
    np.zeros(n), build_Sigma(n), 
    skip=['naive_newton', 'naive_cg', 'bfgs w/o G', 'newton-cg w/ H']
  for name, n in zip(
    ("5d", "10d", "20d", "30d"), 
    (5, 10, 20, 30)
  name       method   nit  nfev  njev  nhev  success
1   5d           CG    17    80    80  None     True
1   5d    newton-cg     4     6    10     0     True
1   5d         bfgs     4    10    10  None     True
1   5d     l-bfgs-b     4    48     8  None     True
1   5d  nelder-mead   224   427  None  None     True
1  10d           CG     4    31    31  None     True
1  10d    newton-cg     4     5     9     0     True
1  10d         bfgs     2    12    12  None     True
1  10d     l-bfgs-b     3    77     7  None     True
1  10d  nelder-mead  1184  1802  None  None     True
1  20d           CG     2    27    27  None     True
1  20d    newton-cg     1     2     3     0     True
1  20d         bfgs     2    17    17  None     True
1  20d     l-bfgs-b     2   105     5  None     True
1  20d  nelder-mead  2745  4000  None  None    False
1  30d           CG     1    18    18  None     True
1  30d    newton-cg     1     1     1     0     True
1  30d         bfgs     1    18    18  None     True
1  30d     l-bfgs-b     1    93     3  None     True
1  30d  nelder-mead  4687  6000  None  None    False

What’s going on? (good)

n = 5
f, grad, hess = mk_mvn(np.zeros(n), build_Sigma(n))
optimize.minimize(f, np.ones(n), jac=grad, 
                  method="CG", tol=1e-9)
 message: Optimization terminated successfully.
 success: True
  status: 0
     fun: -0.023337250777292103
       x: [ 1.086e-07  1.061e-07  1.080e-07  1.080e-07  1.076e-07]
     nit: 14
     jac: [ 8.802e-10  7.646e-10  8.540e-10  8.532e-10  8.344e-10]
    nfev: 67
    njev: 67
optimize.minimize(f, np.ones(n), jac=grad, 
                  method="CG", tol=1e-10)
 message: Optimization terminated successfully.
 success: True
  status: 0
     fun: -0.023337250777292328
       x: [-2.232e-09 -3.779e-10 -1.811e-09 -1.797e-09 -1.496e-09]
     nit: 17
     jac: [-4.415e-11  4.237e-11 -2.453e-11 -2.387e-11 -9.827e-12]
    nfev: 80
    njev: 80
optimize.minimize(f, np.ones(n), jac=grad, 
                  method="CG", tol=1e-11)
 message: Desired error not necessarily achieved due to precision loss.
 success: False
  status: 2
     fun: -0.02333725077729232
       x: [ 2.205e-08  3.734e-09  1.790e-08  1.776e-08  1.478e-08]
     nit: 16
     jac: [ 4.362e-10 -4.186e-10  2.424e-10  2.359e-10  9.710e-11]
    nfev: 93
    njev: 81

What’s going on? (okay)

n = 20
f, grad, hess = mk_mvn(np.zeros(n), build_Sigma(n))
optimize.minimize(f, np.ones(n), jac=grad, 
                  method="CG", tol=1e-9)
 message: Optimization terminated successfully.
 success: True
  status: 0
     fun: -2.330191334018497e-06
       x: [-3.221e-04 -3.221e-04 ... -3.221e-04 -3.221e-04]
     nit: 2
     jac: [-7.148e-11 -7.148e-11 ... -7.148e-11 -7.148e-11]
    nfev: 27
    njev: 27
optimize.minimize(f, np.ones(n), jac=grad, 
                  method="CG", tol=1e-10)
 message: Optimization terminated successfully.
 success: True
  status: 0
     fun: -2.330191334018497e-06
       x: [-3.221e-04 -3.221e-04 ... -3.221e-04 -3.221e-04]
     nit: 2
     jac: [-7.148e-11 -7.148e-11 ... -7.148e-11 -7.148e-11]
    nfev: 27
    njev: 27
optimize.minimize(f, np.ones(n), jac=grad, 
                  method="CG", tol=1e-11)
 message: Optimization terminated successfully.
 success: True
  status: 0
     fun: -2.3301915597315495e-06
       x: [-4.506e-05 -4.506e-05 ... -4.506e-05 -4.506e-05]
     nit: 2884
     jac: [-9.999e-12 -9.999e-12 ... -9.999e-12 -9.999e-12]
    nfev: 66313
    njev: 66313

What’s going on? (bad)

n = 30
f, grad, hess = mk_mvn(np.zeros(n), build_Sigma(n))
optimize.minimize(f, np.ones(n), jac=grad, 
                  method="CG", tol=1e-9)
 message: Optimization terminated successfully.
 success: True
  status: 0
     fun: -2.3811463025973114e-09
       x: [ 1.000e+00  1.000e+00 ...  1.000e+00  1.000e+00]
     nit: 0
     jac: [ 1.536e-10  1.536e-10 ...  1.536e-10  1.536e-10]
    nfev: 1
    njev: 1
optimize.minimize(f, np.ones(n), jac=grad, 
                  method="CG", tol=1e-10)
 message: Optimization terminated successfully.
 success: True
  status: 0
     fun: -6.180056227752818e-09
       x: [ 1.203e-01  1.203e-01 ...  1.203e-01  1.203e-01]
     nit: 1
     jac: [ 4.795e-11  4.795e-11 ...  4.795e-11  4.795e-11]
    nfev: 18
    njev: 18
optimize.minimize(f, np.ones(n), jac=grad, 
                  method="CG", tol=1e-11)
 message: Optimization terminated successfully.
 success: True
  status: 0
     fun: -6.26701117075865e-09
       x: [-5.021e-03 -5.021e-03 ... -5.021e-03 -5.021e-03]
     nit: 2
     jac: [-2.030e-12 -2.030e-12 ... -2.030e-12 -2.030e-12]
    nfev: 35
    njev: 35

Options (bfgs)

optimize.show_options(solver="minimize", method="bfgs")
Minimization of scalar function of one or more variables using the
BFGS algorithm.

disp : bool
    Set to True to print convergence messages.
maxiter : int
    Maximum number of iterations to perform.
gtol : float
    Terminate successfully if gradient norm is less than `gtol`.
norm : float
    Order of norm (Inf is max, -Inf is min).
eps : float or ndarray
    If `jac is None` the absolute step size used for numerical
    approximation of the jacobian via forward differences.
return_all : bool, optional
    Set to True to return a list of the best solution at each of the
finite_diff_rel_step : None or array_like, optional
    If `jac in ['2-point', '3-point', 'cs']` the relative step size to
    use for numerical approximation of the jacobian. The absolute step
    size is computed as ``h = rel_step * sign(x) * max(1, abs(x))``,
    possibly adjusted to fit into the bounds. For ``method='3-point'``
    the sign of `h` is ignored. If None (default) then step is selected
xrtol : float, default: 0
    Relative tolerance for `x`. Terminate successfully if step size is
    less than ``xk * xrtol`` where ``xk`` is the current parameter vector.

Options (Nelder-Mead)

optimize.show_options(solver="minimize", method="Nelder-Mead")
Minimization of scalar function of one or more variables using the
Nelder-Mead algorithm.

disp : bool
    Set to True to print convergence messages.
maxiter, maxfev : int
    Maximum allowed number of iterations and function evaluations.
    Will default to ``N*200``, where ``N`` is the number of
    variables, if neither `maxiter` or `maxfev` is set. If both
    `maxiter` and `maxfev` are set, minimization will stop at the
    first reached.
return_all : bool, optional
    Set to True to return a list of the best solution at each of the
initial_simplex : array_like of shape (N + 1, N)
    Initial simplex. If given, overrides `x0`.
    ``initial_simplex[j,:]`` should contain the coordinates of
    the jth vertex of the ``N+1`` vertices in the simplex, where
    ``N`` is the dimension.
xatol : float, optional
    Absolute error in xopt between iterations that is acceptable for
fatol : number, optional
    Absolute error in func(xopt) between iterations that is acceptable for
adaptive : bool, optional
    Adapt algorithm parameters to dimensionality of problem. Useful for
    high-dimensional minimization [1]_.
bounds : sequence or `Bounds`, optional
    Bounds on variables. There are two ways to specify the bounds:

        1. Instance of `Bounds` class.
        2. Sequence of ``(min, max)`` pairs for each element in `x`. None
           is used to specify no bound.

    Note that this just clips all vertices in simplex based on
    the bounds.

.. [1] Gao, F. and Han, L.
   Implementing the Nelder-Mead simplex algorithm with adaptive
   parameters. 2012. Computational Optimization and Applications.
   51:1, pp. 259-277

SciPy implementation

The following code comes from SciPy’s minimize() implementation:

if tol is not None:
  options = dict(options)
  if meth == 'nelder-mead':
      options.setdefault('xatol', tol)
      options.setdefault('fatol', tol)
  if meth in ('newton-cg', 'powell', 'tnc'):
      options.setdefault('xtol', tol)
  if meth in ('powell', 'l-bfgs-b', 'tnc', 'slsqp'):
      options.setdefault('ftol', tol)
  if meth in ('bfgs', 'cg', 'l-bfgs-b', 'tnc', 'dogleg',
              'trust-ncg', 'trust-exact', 'trust-krylov'):
      options.setdefault('gtol', tol)
  if meth in ('cobyla', '_custom'):
      options.setdefault('tol', tol)
  if meth == 'trust-constr':
      options.setdefault('xtol', tol)
      options.setdefault('gtol', tol)
      options.setdefault('barrier_tol', tol)

Some general advice

  • Having access to the gradient is almost always helpful / necessary

  • Having access to the hessian can be helpful, but usually does not significantly improve things

  • The curse of dimensionality is real

    • Be careful with tol - it means different things for different methods
  • In general, BFGS or L-BFGS should be a first choice for most problems (either well- or ill-conditioned)

    • CG can perform better for well-conditioned problems with cheap function evaluations

Maximum Likelihood example

Normal MLE

from scipy.stats import norm

n = norm(-3.2, 1.25)
x = n.rvs(size=100, random_state=1234)
array([-2.61, -4.69, -1.41, -3.59, -4.1 , -2.09, -2.13, -4.  , -3.18,
       -6.  , -1.76, -1.96, -2.01, -5.73, -3.62, -3.2 , -2.69, -2.84,
       -1.55, -5.13, -3.45, -4.02, -2.96, -2.51, -1.55, -3.79, -2.36,
       -5.47, -3.43, -1.88, -3.7 , -2.78, -1.89, -1.89, -2.12, -3.35,
       -3.04, -3.6 , -2.15, -0.21, -3.1 , -3.91, -3.15, -5.79, -2.89,
       -4.32, -3.37, -3.18, -2.26, -2.93, -2.15, -5.01, -4.95, -3.33,
       -3.89, -3.38, -2.76, -3.24, -2.49, -1.27, -4.42, -3.29, -2.82,
       -3.46, -1.91, -6.2 , -0.66, -4.63, -2.94, -2.32, -4.18, -2.62,
       -2.32, -2.55, -4.36, -0.69, -2.92, -4.64, -2.41, -3.15, -2.62,
       -7.65, -1.55, -3.01, -2.99, -3.74, -2.24, -1.97, -2.86, -1.46,
       -3.1 , -3.7 , -4.48, -3.93, -2.18, -3.3 , -3.63, -2.54, -4.54,
{'µ': x.mean(), 'σ': x.std()}
{'µ': -3.156109646093205, 'σ': 1.2446060629192535}
mle_norm = lambda θ: -np.sum(
  norm.logpdf(x, loc=θ[0], scale=θ[1])

mle_norm([-3, 1])
mle_norm([-3.2, 1.25])


optimize.minimize(mle_norm, x0=[0,1], method="bfgs")
  message: Desired error not necessarily achieved due to precision loss.
  success: False
   status: 2
      fun: nan
        x: [-1.436e+04 -3.533e+03]
      nit: 2
      jac: [       nan        nan]
 hess_inv: [[ 9.443e-01  2.340e-01]
            [ 2.340e-01  5.905e-02]]
     nfev: 339
     njev: 113

Adding constraints

def mle_norm2(θ): 
  if θ[1] <= 0:
    return np.Inf
    return -np.sum(norm.logpdf(x, loc=θ[0], scale=θ[1]))
optimize.minimize(mle_norm2, x0=[0,1], method="bfgs")
  message: Optimization terminated successfully.
  success: True
   status: 0
      fun: 163.77575977255518
        x: [-3.156e+00  1.245e+00]
      nit: 9
      jac: [-1.907e-06  0.000e+00]
 hess_inv: [[ 1.475e-02 -1.069e-04]
            [-1.069e-04  7.734e-03]]
     nfev: 47
     njev: 15

/opt/homebrew/lib/python3.10/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in subtract
  df = fun(x) - f0

Specifying Bounds

It is also possible to specify bounds via bounds but this is only available for certain optimization methods.

  mle_norm, x0=[0,1], method="l-bfgs-b",
  bounds = [(-1e16, 1e16), (1e-16, 1e16)]
  success: True
   status: 0
      fun: 163.7757597728758
        x: [-3.156e+00  1.245e+00]
      nit: 10
      jac: [ 2.075e-04  0.000e+00]
     nfev: 69
     njev: 23
 hess_inv: <2x2 LbfgsInvHessProduct with dtype=float64>

Exercise 2

Using optimize.minimize() recover the shape and scale parameters for these data using MLE.

from scipy.stats import gamma

g = gamma(a=2.0, scale=2.0)
x = g.rvs(size=100, random_state=1234)
array([ 4.7 ,  1.11,  1.8 ,  6.19,  3.37,  0.25,  6.45,  0.36,  4.49,
        4.14,  2.84,  1.91,  8.03,  2.26,  2.88,  6.88,  6.84,  6.83,
        6.1 ,  3.03,  3.67,  2.57,  3.53,  2.07,  4.01,  1.51,  5.69,
        3.92,  6.01,  0.82,  2.11,  2.97,  5.02,  9.13,  4.19,  2.82,
       11.81,  1.17,  1.69,  4.67,  1.47, 11.67,  5.25,  3.44,  8.04,
        3.74,  5.73,  6.58,  3.54,  2.4 ,  1.32,  2.04,  2.52,  4.89,
        4.14,  5.02,  4.75,  8.24,  7.6 ,  1.  ,  6.14,  0.58,  2.83,
        2.88,  5.42,  0.5 ,  3.46,  4.46,  1.86,  4.59,  2.24,  2.62,
        3.99,  3.74,  5.27,  1.42,  0.56,  7.54,  5.5 ,  1.58,  5.49,
        6.57,  4.79,  5.84,  8.21,  1.66,  1.53,  4.27,  2.57,  1.48,
        5.23,  3.84,  3.15,  2.1 ,  3.71,  2.79,  0.86,  8.52,  4.36,
        3.3 ])