Numerical optimization

Lecture 12

Dr. Colin Rundel

Naive Gradient Descent

We will start with a naive approach to gradient descent where we choose a fixed step size and determine the direction based on the gradient of the function at each iteration.

def grad_desc_1d(x0, f, grad, step, max_step=100, tol = 1e-6):
  all_x_i = [x0]
  all_f_i = [f(x0)]
  x_i = x0
    for i in range(max_step):
      dx_i = grad(x_i)
      x_i = x_i - dx_i * step
      f_x_i = f(x_i)
      if np.abs(dx_i) < tol: break
  except OverflowError as err:
    print(f"{type(err).__name__}: {err}")
  if len(all_x_i) == max_step+1:
    print("Warning - Failed to converge!")
  return all_x_i, all_f_i

A basic example

\[ \begin{aligned} f(x) &= x^2 \\ \nabla f(x) &= 2x \end{aligned} \]

f = lambda x: x**2
grad = lambda x: 2*x
opt = grad_desc_1d(-2., f, grad, step=0.25)
plot_1d_traj( (-2, 2), f, opt )

opt = grad_desc_1d(-2., f, grad, step=0.5)
plot_1d_traj( (-2, 2), f, opt )

Where can it go wrong?

If you pick a bad step size then bad things can happen,

opt = grad_desc_1d(-2, f, grad, step=0.9)
plot_1d_traj( (-2,2), f, opt )

opt = grad_desc_1d(-2, f, grad, step=1)
Warning - Failed to converge!
plot_1d_traj( (-2,2), f, opt )

Local minima of a quartic

Since the function is no longer convex - both starting point and step size matter.

\[ \begin{aligned} f(x) &= x^4 + x^3 -x^2 - x \\ \nabla f(x) &= 4x^3 + 3x^2 - 2x - 1 \end{aligned} \]

f = lambda x: x**4 + x**3 - x**2 - x 
grad = lambda x: 4*x**3 + 3*x**2 - 2*x - 1
opt = grad_desc_1d(-1.5, f, grad, step=0.2)
plot_1d_traj( (-1.5, 1.5), f, opt )

opt = grad_desc_1d(-1.5, f, grad, step=0.25)
plot_1d_traj( (-1.5, 1.5), f, opt)

Alternative starting points

opt = grad_desc_1d(1.5, f, grad, step=0.2)
plot_1d_traj( (-1.75, 1.5), f, opt )

opt = grad_desc_1d(1.25, f, grad, step=0.2)
plot_1d_traj( (-1.75, 1.5), f, opt)

Problematic step sizes

If the step size is too large it is possible for the algorithm to

opt = grad_desc_1d(-1.5, f, grad, step=0.75)
OverflowError: (34, 'Result too large')
plot_1d_traj( (-2, 2), f, opt )

opt = grad_desc_1d(1.5, f, grad, step=0.25)
OverflowError: (34, 'Result too large')
plot_1d_traj( (-2, 2), f, opt)

Gradient Descent w/ backtracking

As we have just seen having too large of a step can be problematic, one solution is to allow the step size to adapt.

Backtracking involves checking if the proposed move is advantageous (i.e. \(f(x_k+\alpha p_k) < f(x_k)\)),

  • If it is advantageous then accept \(x_{k+1} = x_k+\alpha p_k\).

  • If not, shrink \(\alpha\) by a factor \(\tau\) (e.g. 0.5) and check again.

Pick larger \(\alpha\) to start as this will not fix inefficiency of small step size.

def grad_desc_1d_bt(
  x, f, grad, step, tau=0.5, 
  max_step=100, max_back=10, tol = 1e-6
  all_x_i = [x]
  all_f_i = [f(x)]
    for i in range(max_step):
      dx = grad(x)
      for j in range(max_back):
        new_x = x + step * (-dx)
        new_f_x = f(new_x)
        if (new_f_x < all_f_i[-1]): 
        step = step * tau
      x = new_x
      f_x = new_f_x
      if np.abs(dx) < tol:
  except OverflowError as err:
    print(f"{type(err).__name__}: {err}")
  if len(all_x_i) == max_step+1:
    print("Warning - Failed to converge!")
  return all_x_i, all_f_i

opt = grad_desc_1d_bt(-1.5, f, grad, 
                      step=0.75, tau=0.5)
plot_1d_traj( (-1.5, 1.5), f, opt )

opt = grad_desc_1d_bt(1.5, f, grad, 
                      step=0.25, tau=0.5)
plot_1d_traj( (-1.5, 1.5), f, opt)

A 2d cost function

We will be using mk_quad() to create quadratic functions with varying conditioning (as specified by the epsilon parameter).

\[ \begin{align} f(x,y) &= 0.33(x^2 + \epsilon^2 y^2 ) \\ \nabla f(x,y) &= \left[ \begin{matrix} 0.66 \, x \\ 0.66 \, \epsilon^2 \, y \end{matrix} \right] \\ \nabla^2 f(x,y) &= \left[\begin{array}{cc} 0.66 & 0 \\ 0 & 0.66 \, \epsilon^2 \end{array}\right] \end{align} \]


f, grad, hess = mk_quad(0.7)
plot_2d_traj((-1,2), (-1,2), f, 

f, grad, hess = mk_quad(0.05)
plot_2d_traj((-1,2), (-1,2), f, 

2d gradient descent w/ backtracking

def grad_desc_2d(x0, f, grad, step, tau=0.5, max_step=100, max_back=10, tol = 1e-6):
  x_i = x0
  all_x_i = [x_i[0]]
  all_y_i = [x_i[1]]
  all_f_i = [f(x_i)]
  for i in range(max_step):
    dx_i = grad(x_i)
    for j in range(max_back):
      new_x_i = x_i - dx_i * step
      new_f_i = f(new_x_i)
      if (new_f_i < all_f_i[-1]): break
      step = step * tau
    x_i, f_i = new_x_i, new_f_i
    if np.sqrt(np.sum(dx_i**2)) < tol:
  return all_x_i, all_y_i, all_f_i

Well conditioned cost function

f, grad, hess = mk_quad(0.7)
opt = grad_desc_2d((1.6, 1.1), f, grad, step=1)
plot_2d_traj((-1,2), (-1,2), f, 
             title="$\\epsilon=0.7$", traj=opt)

f, grad, hess = mk_quad(0.7)
opt = grad_desc_2d((1.6, 1.1), f, grad, step=2)
plot_2d_traj((-1,2), (-1,2), f, 
             title="$\\epsilon=0.7$", traj=opt)

Ill-conditioned cost function

f, grad, hess = mk_quad(0.05)
opt = grad_desc_2d((1.6, 1.1), f, grad, step=1)
plot_2d_traj((-1,2), (-1,2), f, 
             title="$\\epsilon=0.05$", traj=opt)

f, grad, hess = mk_quad(0.05)
opt = grad_desc_2d((1.6, 1.1), f, grad, step=2)
plot_2d_traj((-1,2), (-1,2), f, 
             title="$\\epsilon=0.05$", traj=opt)

Rosenbrock function (very ill conditioned)

f, grad, hess = mk_rosenbrock()
opt = grad_desc_2d((1.6, 1.1), f, grad, step=0.25)
plot_2d_traj((-2,2), (-2,2), f, traj=opt)

f, grad, hess = mk_rosenbrock()
opt = grad_desc_2d((-0.5, 0), f, grad, step=0.25)
plot_2d_traj((-2,2), (-2,2), f, traj=opt)

Taylor Expansion

For any arbitrary smooth function, we can construct a 2nd order Taylor approximation as follows,

\[ \begin{align} f(x_k + \alpha \, p_k) &= f(x_k) + \alpha \, p_k^T \nabla f(x_k + \alpha \, p_k) \\ &= f(x_k) + \alpha \, p_k^T \nabla f(x_k) + \frac{1}{2} \alpha^2 p_k^T \, \nabla^2 f(x_k + \alpha \, p_k) \, p_k \\ &\approx f(x_k) + \alpha \, p_k^T \nabla f(x_k) + \frac{1}{2} \alpha^2 p_k^T \, \nabla^2 f(x_k) \, p_k \end{align} \]

Newton’s Method in 1d

Lets simplify things for now and consider just the 1d case and write \(\alpha\,p_k\) as \(\Delta\),

\[ f(x_k + \Delta) \approx f(x_k) + \Delta f'(x_k) + \frac{1}{2} \Delta^2 f''(x_k) \]

to find the \(\Delta\) that minimizes this function we can take a derivative with regard to \(\Delta\) and set the equation equal to zero which gives,

\[ 0 = f'(x_k) + \Delta f''(x_k) \;\; \Rightarrow \;\; \Delta = -\frac{f'(x_k)}{f''(x_k)} \] which then suggests an iterative update rule of

\[ x_{k+1} = x_{k} -\frac{f'(x_k)}{f''(x_k)} \]

Generalizing to \(n\)d

Based on the same argument we can see the follow result for a function in \(\mathbb{R}^n\),

\[ f(x_k + \Delta) \approx f(x_k) + \Delta^T \nabla f(x_k) + \frac{1}{2} \Delta^T \, \nabla^2 f(x_k) \,\Delta \]

\[ 0 = \nabla f(x_k) + \nabla^2 f(x_k) \, \Delta \;\; \Rightarrow \;\; \Delta = -\left(\nabla^2 f(x_k)\right)^{-1} \nabla f(x_k) f(x_k) \] which then suggests an iterative update rule of

\[ x_{k+1} = x_{k} - (\nabla^2 f(x_k))^{-1} \, \nabla f(x_k) \]

def newtons_method(x0, f, grad, hess, max_iter=100, max_back=10, tol=1e-8):
    all_x_i = [x0[0]]
    all_y_i = [x0[1]]
    all_f_i = [f(x0)]
    x_i = x0
    for i in range(max_iter):
      g_i = grad(x_i)
      step = - np.linalg.solve(hess(x_i), g_i)
      for j in range(max_back):
        new_x_i = x_i + step
        new_f_i = f(new_x_i)
        if (new_f_i < all_f_i[-1]):
        step /= 2
      x_i, f_i = new_x_i, new_f_i
      if np.sqrt(np.sum(g_i**2)) < tol:
    return all_x_i, all_y_i, all_f_i

Well conditioned quadratic cost function

f, grad, hess = mk_quad(0.7)
opt = newtons_method((1.6, 1.1), f, grad, hess)
plot_2d_traj((-1,2), (-1,2), f, traj=opt)

f, grad, hess = mk_quad(0.05)
opt = newtons_method((1.6, 1.1), f, grad, hess)
plot_2d_traj((-1,2), (-1,2), f, traj=opt)

Rosenbrock function (very ill conditioned)

f, grad, hess = mk_rosenbrock()
opt = newtons_method((1.6, 1.1), f, grad, hess)
plot_2d_traj((-2,2), (-2,2), f, traj=opt)

f, grad, hess = mk_rosenbrock()
opt = newtons_method((-0.5, 0), f, grad, hess)
plot_2d_traj((-2,2), (-2,2), f, traj=opt)

Conjugate gradients

This is a general approach for solving a system of linear equations with the form \(Ax=b\) where \(A\) is an \(n \times n\) symmetric positive definite matrix and b is \(n \times 1\) with \(x\) unknown.

This type of problem can also be expressed as a quadratic minimization problems of the form,

\[ \underset{x}{\text{min}} \; f(x) = \frac{1}{2} x^T \, A \, x - b^T x + c \]

The goal is then to find \(n\) conjugate vectors ( \(p^T_i \, A \, p_j = 0\) for all \(i \neq j\)) and their coefficients such that

\[ x_* = \sum_{i=1}^n \alpha_i \, p_i \]

Conjugate gradient algorithm

Given \(x_0\) we set the following initial values,

\[\begin{align} r_0 &= \nabla f(x_0) \\ p_0 &= -r_0 \\ k &= 0 \end{align}\]

while \(\|r_k\|_2 > \text{tol}\),

\[ \begin{align} \alpha_k &= \frac{r_k^T \, p_k}{p_k^T \, \nabla^2 f(x_k) \, p_k} \\ x_{k+1} &= x_k + \alpha_k \, p_k \\ r_{k+1} &= \nabla f(x_{k+1}) \\ \beta_{k} &= \frac{ r^T_{k+1} \, \nabla^2 f(x_k) \, p_{k} }{p_k^T \, \nabla^2 f(x_k) \, p_k} \\ p_{k+1} &= -r_{k+1} + \beta_{k} \, p_k \\ k &= k+1 \end{align} \]

def conjugate_gradient(x0, f, grad, hess, 
                       max_iter=100, tol=1e-8):
    all_x_i = [x0[0]]
    all_y_i = [x0[1]]
    all_f_i = [f(x0)]
    x_i = x0
    r_i = grad(x0)
    p_i = -r_i
    for i in range(max_iter):
      a_i = - r_i.T @ p_i / (p_i.T @ hess(x_i) @ p_i)
      x_i_new = x_i + a_i * p_i
      r_i_new = grad(x_i_new)
      b_i = (r_i_new.T @ hess(x_i) @ p_i) / (p_i.T @ hess(x_i) @ p_i)
      p_i_new = -r_i_new + b_i * p_i
      x_i, r_i, p_i = x_i_new, r_i_new, p_i_new
      if np.sqrt(np.sum(r_i_new**2)) < tol:
    return all_x_i, all_y_i, all_f_i


f, grad, hess = mk_quad(0.7)
opt = conjugate_gradient((1.6, 1.1), f, grad, hess)
plot_2d_traj((-1,2), (-1,2), f, title="$\\epsilon=0.7$", traj=opt)

f, grad, hess = mk_quad(0.05)
opt = conjugate_gradient((1.6, 1.1), f, grad, hess)
plot_2d_traj((-1,2), (-1,2), f, title="$\\epsilon=0.05$", traj=opt)

Rosenbrock’s function

f, grad, hess = mk_rosenbrock()
opt = conjugate_gradient((1.6, 1.1), f, grad, hess)
plot_2d_traj((-2,2), (-2,2), f, traj=opt)

f, grad, hess = mk_rosenbrock()
opt = conjugate_gradient((-0.5, 0), f, grad, hess)
plot_2d_traj((-2,2), (-2,2), f, traj=opt)

CG in scipy

Scipy’s optimize module implements the conjugate gradient algorithm by Polak and Ribiere, a variant that does not require the Hessian,


  • \(\alpha_k\) is calculated via a line search along the direction \(p_k\)

  • \(\beta_{k+1}\) is replaced with

\[ \beta_{k+1}^{PR} = \frac{\nabla f(x_{k+1}) \left(\nabla f(x_{k+1}) - \nabla f(x_{k})\right)}{\nabla f(x_k)^T \, \nabla f(x_k)} \]

def conjugate_gradient_scipy(x0, f, grad, tol=1e-8):
    all_x_i = [x0[0]]
    all_y_i = [x0[1]]
    all_f_i = [f(x0)]
    def store(X):
        x, y = X
      f, x0, jac=grad, method="CG", 
      callback=store, tol=tol
    return all_x_i, all_y_i, all_f_i


f, grad, hess = mk_quad(0.7)
opt = conjugate_gradient_scipy((1.6, 1.1), f, grad)
plot_2d_traj((-1,2), (-1,2), f, title="$\\epsilon=0.7$", traj=opt)

f, grad, hess = mk_quad(0.05)
opt = conjugate_gradient_scipy((1.6, 1.1), f, grad)
plot_2d_traj((-1,2), (-1,2), f, title="$\\epsilon=0.05$", traj=opt)

Rosenbrock’s function

f, grad, hess = mk_rosenbrock()
opt = conjugate_gradient_scipy((1.6, 1.1), f, grad)
plot_2d_traj((-2,2), (-2,2), f, traj=opt)

f, grad, hess = mk_rosenbrock()
opt = conjugate_gradient_scipy((-0.5, 0), f, grad)
plot_2d_traj((-2,2), (-2,2), f, traj=opt)

Method: Newton-CG

Is a variant of Newtons method but does not require inverting the Hessian, or even a Hessian function (for the latter case it is estimated by finite differencing of the gradient)

def newton_cg(x0, f, grad, hess=None, tol=1e-8):
    all_x_i = [x0[0]]
    all_y_i = [x0[1]]
    all_f_i = [f(x0)]
    def store(X):
        x, y = X
      f, x0, jac=grad, hess=hess, tol=tol,
      method="Newton-CG", callback=store 
    return all_x_i, all_y_i, all_f_i

Trajectory - well conditioned

f, grad, hess = mk_quad(0.7)
opt = newton_cg((1.6, 1.1), f, grad)
plot_2d_traj((-1,2), (-1,2), f, traj=opt, title="w/o hessian")

f, grad, hess = mk_quad(0.7)
opt = newton_cg((1.6, 1.1), f, grad, hess)
plot_2d_traj((-1,2), (-1,2), f, traj=opt, title="w/ hessian")

Trajectory - ill-conditioned

f, grad, hess = mk_quad(0.05)
opt = newton_cg((1.6, 1.1), f, grad)
plot_2d_traj((-1,2), (-1,2), f, traj=opt, title="w/o hessian")

f, grad, hess = mk_quad(0.05)
opt = newton_cg((1.6, 1.1), f, grad, hess)
plot_2d_traj((-1,2), (-1,2), f, traj=opt, title="w/ hessian")

Rosenbrock’s function

f, grad, hess = mk_rosenbrock()
opt = newton_cg((1.6, 1.1), f, grad)
plot_2d_traj((-2,2), (-2,2), f, traj=opt, title="w/o hessian")

f, grad, hess = mk_rosenbrock()
opt = newton_cg((1.6, 1.1), f, grad, hess)
plot_2d_traj((-2,2), (-2,2), f, traj=opt, title="w/ hessian")

Method: BFGS

The Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno (BFGS) algorithm is a quasi-newton which iterative improves its approximation of the Hessian,

def bfgs(x0, f, grad, hess=None, tol=1e-8):
    all_x_i = [x0[0]]
    all_y_i = [x0[1]]
    all_f_i = [f(x0)]
    def store(X):
        x, y = X
      f, x0, jac=grad, tol=tol,
      method="BFGS", callback=store 
    return all_x_i, all_y_i, all_f_i


f, grad, hess = mk_quad(0.7)
opt = bfgs((1.6, 1.1), f, grad)
plot_2d_traj((-1,2), (-1,2), f, traj=opt)

f, grad, hess = mk_quad(0.05)
opt = bfgs((1.6, 1.1), f, grad)
plot_2d_traj((-1,2), (-1,2), f, traj=opt)

Rosenbrock’s function

f, grad, hess = mk_rosenbrock()
opt = bfgs((1.6, 1.1), f, grad)
plot_2d_traj((-2,2), (-2,2), f, traj=opt)

f, grad, hess = mk_rosenbrock()
opt = bfgs((-0.5, 0), f, grad)
plot_2d_traj((-2,2), (-2,2), f, traj=opt)

Method: Nelder-Mead

This is a gradient free method that uses a series of simplexes which are used to iteratively bracket the minimum.

def nelder_mead(x0, f, grad, hess=None, tol=1e-8):
    all_x_i = [x0[0]]
    all_y_i = [x0[1]]
    all_f_i = [f(x0)]
    def store(X):
        x, y = X
      f, x0, tol=tol,
      method="Nelder-Mead", callback=store 
    return all_x_i, all_y_i, all_f_i



f, grad, hess = mk_quad(0.7)
opt = nelder_mead((1.6, 1.1), f, grad)
plot_2d_traj((-1,2), (-1,2), f, traj=opt)

f, grad, hess = mk_quad(0.05)
opt = nelder_mead((1.6, 1.1), f, grad)
plot_2d_traj((-1,2), (-1,2), f, traj=opt)

Rosenbrock’s function

f, grad, hess = mk_rosenbrock()
opt = nelder_mead((1.6, 1.1), f, grad)
plot_2d_traj((-2,2), (-2,2), f, traj=opt)

f, grad, hess = mk_rosenbrock()
opt = nelder_mead((-0.5, 0), f, grad)
plot_2d_traj((-2,2), (-2,2), f, traj=opt)